#Phantasmagoria game download torrent password#
As unbelievable as it sounds, you literally have to wander around your own apartment trying to find out what your password is. You can't even log onto your computer - the computer that is owned by your character (and is in your character's apartment, mind you) - until you "discover" his secret password.

This concept is carried to absurd extremes. If you want to finish the game, be prepared to go online and find The X-Files cheat sites. Your character stumbles around the Seattle area without a clue, literally hoping to bump into the appropriate piece of evidence needed to move the plot forward. The only help you get is your boss telling you to "I'd go back to the warehouse."Īnd, it's not like you're supposed to know to look for a cigarette butt - you have no idea what you're looking for or where to find it. The cigarette is a prime example - until you find it, you're at a complete dead-end. The problem is that the "help" offered by other characters is completely useless. Spotting those two things makes finding a needle in a haystack seem easy. Remember that high-quality live-action video footage I told you about before? Well, it's not high enough quality for you to see a cigarette butt on the floor of a huge, dirty, empty warehouse, or sharp enough for you to see - I'm not making this up - a bullet embedded in one of a dozen wooden beams in that same warehouse. The game bogs down considerably as you hunt for clues. If you're a pure gamer, however, this thing is as wrong as a cigarette butt in your Cheerios. If you're an X-Files fan, you can't go wrong with this.

The game is literally like watching an episode of The X-Files unfold with the exception that you're the one doing the unfolding. You choose lines for Agent Willmore to say and decide how he interacts with his environment.

#Phantasmagoria game download torrent tv#
The entire game is played via video footage that has the same quality look and feel as The X-Files TV show. You play the role of Craig Willmore, an FBI agent assigned with the urgent task of tracking down missing agents Fox Mulder and Dana Scully. The The X-Files is a really remarkable piece of entertainment software.