
Deborah blown away transgender
Deborah blown away transgender

deborah blown away transgender

It uses motion sensors, gathering of viewers in a gallery space. **Rui Sasaki’s Liquid sunshine/ I am a pluviophile- replication of process and gesture. **Penny Byrne’s Guantanomo Bay Souvenirs recreated and given chains Vs popular figurines IDEA> recreate an object (a copy) in ceramic, break it and give it a new meaning. Yee Sookyoung Kintsugi (broken and given new life with gold) Vs Traditional Moon Jar (complete unbroken traditional). Similarly Lei Xue’s bent cans in blue and white traditional Chinese ceramic Traditional technique is used to talk about colonialism, empire, power. Traditional Chinese Blue and White Ware Vs Gerry Wedd’s ceramic blue and white thong. 2D > transformed to 3D heightens visceral and emotional experience. Jake and Dinos Chapman’s The Sum of All Evil Vs Hieronymus Bosch’s The Last Judgement (he involves McDonalds and Natzi stickers). Ai Wei Wei Sunflower- millions of ceramic sunflower seeds- the unimaginable number of copies, the swarm, there’s a tension between the individual form and the multiplicity of the form William Cobbing’s The Kiss Vs Constatin Brancusi’s The Kiss

deborah blown away transgender

**Annie Boyden Varnot: repetition of technique as a copy, works well for pieces about endurance or meditation, virtuosity (you gain command of the piece) Blanche Tilden’s Parallel: neclace that repeats its process and form. Expansion of objects emphasise their qualities. Ron Mueck’s Boy: take a small object> enlarge it to emphasise his fragility. Feher’s ‘it didn’t turn out the way I expected it to.’ he takes a small object like an oyster shell and multiplies and rearranges it. **Tony Feher’s bottles of blue liquid, the level of liquid changes. Unknown: phonebooks, replicated, completely transformed into a sculpture- connected and paint spilled over. **Green living design: pegs of wood (alone they are simple but a swarm makes it interesting). We always define things back to its normal state, but transforming it shifts our perceptions and our job as artists is to transform what the viewer is seeing so they can think in new ways and act in new ways. **Matt Stone’s Fruit Sculptures- cut up and changed AND Adam Hillman makes us read the oranges as a geometric abstract form. You can take the original image of something and distort it to change the way the audience views it. Makes us think about it- a reflection is a copy. **Christopher Madden: diff angled mirrors, images of hands meeting at a centre point, the thumbs seem like a claw/crustacean. Chojiro’s Chawan Raku Tea bowl>Contemporary Tea bowl. Meret Oppenheimer ‘Object’, cermaics covered in fur (transformed) Duchamp’s Fountain: urinal - changed the context Ingres’ Odalisque in Grisaille>Manet’s Olympia (changed the gaze of the nude woman out to viewer)> Yasumasa Morimura Portrait (adds ethnicity, more facial features of the maid) Victor Vasendy Catch (copy with a variation) Vibratory copy (physical), reproductive (biological) and imitation (social). Plato’s philosophy: Our reality is an illusion Pull apart the original, re-arrange elements Sometimes an echo or copy becomes an illegible blur that becomes an original. Reinvent the appearance through an object, it can be ironically represented. The way the material adds meaning to the object, the medium, the way its born out of history. Readings: In praise of Copying by Michael BoonĮngage with the materiality of an object in the chau chak museum.

Deborah blown away transgender